IF JCR (2020): 0.551
IF SNIP (2020): 0.417

Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si

Back to issue 67/4
Analiza točnosti UAV-fotogrametrije z uporabo RGB in multispektralnega senzorja
Accuracy analysis of UAV photogrammetry using RGB and multispectral sensors
Nikola Santrač, Pavel Benka, Mehmed Batilović, Radoš Zemunac, Sanja Antić, Milica Stajić, Nenad Antonić
In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly important as a tool for quickly collecting high-resolution (spatial and spectral) imagery of the Earth's surface. The final products are highly dependent on the choice of values for various parameters in flight planning, the type of sensors, and the processing of the data. In this paper ground control points (GCPs) were first measured using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) method, and then due to the low height accuracy of the GNSS RTK method all points were measured using a detailed leveling method. This study aims to provide a basic assessment of quality, including four main aspects: (1) the difference between an RGB sensor and a five-band multispectral sensor on accuracy and the amount of data, (2) the impact of the number of GCPs on the accuracy of the final products, (3) the impact of different altitudes and cross flight strips, and (4) the accuracy analysis of multi-altitude models. The results suggest that the type of sensor, flight configuration, and GCP setup strongly affect the quality and quantity of the final product data while creating a multi-altitude model does not result in the expected quality of data. With its unique combination of sensors and parameters, the results and recommendations presented in this paper can assist professionals and researchers in their future work.
UAV photogrammetry, multi-altitude, data quality, ground control points, flight parameters, multispectral sensor, accuracy
DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2023.04.459-472
Nikola Santrač, Pavel Benka, Mehmed Batilović, Radoš Zemunac, Sanja Antić, Milica Stajić, Nenad Antonić (2023). Analiza točnosti UAV-fotogrametrije z uporabo RGB in multispektralnega senzorja. | Accuracy analysis of UAV photogrammetry using RGB and multispectral sensors. Geodetski vestnik, 67 (4), 459-472. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2023.04.459-472

Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si