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IF JCR (2020): 0.551
IF SNIP (2020): 0.417
![Zveza geodetov Slovenije](/img/zgs_logo.jpg)
Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si
Back to issue 64/1
Deformacijska analiza po postopku Caspary
Deformation analysis: the Caspary approach
Veton Hamza, Bojan Stopar, Tomaž Ambrožič
In this paper, the theoretical background of the Caspary method of geodetic deformation analysis is described and implemented in a simulated geodetic network in which two epochs of measurements are used. The Caspary approach foresees congruence testing of the geodetic network, the determination of the stable points between two analysed epochs, the transformation of the geodetic network using S-transformation, the calculation of displacements, and, in the last step, the graphical presentation of displacement vectors. Results obtained from the presented example are similar to those presented in the Hannover, Karlsruhe, Delft, Fredericton, München, and robust methods.
Caspary approach, geodetic network, deformation analysis, observations, numerical example
DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2020.01.68-88
![Zveza geodetov Slovenije](/img/zgs_logo.jpg)
Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si