naslovnica aktualnega Geodetskega vestnika

IF JCR (2020): 0.551
IF SNIP (2020): 0.417
ISSN: 0351-0271
e-ISSN: 1581-1328
COBISS.SI ID: 5091842
UDK: 528=863
Zveza geodetov Slovenije
Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Kartiranje prostorske porazdelitve onesnaževal zraka v provinci Quang Ninh (Vietnam) na podlagi podatkov Sentinel 5P

Mapping the spatial distribution of air pollutants in Quang Ninh province (Vietnam) using Sentinel 5P data


Le Hung Trinh, Van Phu Le, Thi Hanh Tong, Sinh Dinh Mai


Vietnam is a country with rich mineral resources, of which coal reserves are about 8.6 billion tons, concentrated mainly in the coal basin of Quang Ninh province. Besides the economic and social benefits, coal mining has negative impacts on the environment, such as air and water pollution. Air pollution in coal mining areas seriously affects human health and the environment. This study presents the results of mapping the quarterly spatial distribution maps of air pollutants in Quang Ninh province, including CO, NO2, O3 and SO2 from Sentinel 5P TROPOMI data. Sentinel 5P TROPOMI data on four air pollutant concentrations in the entire year 2023 was collected using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform and then averaged over the quarters. The results of air pollution assessment from remote sensing data are compared with the limit values of basic parameters in the air in QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT National technical regulation on air quality. Analysis of the achieved results show that the concentrations of CO, NO2, O3 and SO2 in Quang Ninh province in 2023 are all high compared to regulations in QCVN, especially in the southern region where large coal mines are concentrated. The results received in this study provide timely information to help managers monitor air quality in coal mining areas.


air pollutants, remote sensing, coal mine, Sentinel 5P TROPOMI, Quang Ninh province, Vietnam

DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2024.03.313-326


Le Hung Trinh, Van Phu Le, Thi Hanh Tong, Sinh Dinh Mai (2024). Kartiranje prostorske porazdelitve onesnaževal zraka v provinci Quang Ninh (Vietnam) na podlagi podatkov Sentinel 5P. | Mapping the spatial distribution of air pollutants in Quang Ninh province (Vietnam) using Sentinel 5P data. Geodetski vestnik, 68 (3), 313-326. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2024.03.313-326

ISSN: 0352-3551
EISSN: 1581-0267
COBISS: 3664386
UDK: (05) 532;556;626/628.6
Zveza geodetov Slovenije
Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana