IF JCR (2023): 0.4
IF SNIP (2023): 0.487

Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si

Back to issue 62/2
Učinkovitost različnih načinov odkrivanja grobih pogreškov v geodetskih mrežah: primer spomenika Pobednik
The efficiency of different outlier detection approaches in geodetic networks: case study for Pobednik statue
Mehmed Batilović, Zoran Sušić, Marko Z. Marković, Marijana Vujinović, Gojko Nikolić, Toša Ninkov
In the paper the efficacy of two different approaches for outlier detection in geodetic networks is analysed on a test example of a control network for geodetic monitoring of the Pobednik statue in the Kalemegdan Fortress in Belgrade by applying the mean success rate (MSR). Conventional tests and robust methods were applied for detecting outliers. The experimental results indicate that the new approach based on original observations provides higher efficiency of the applied methods than the classical approach for outlier detection in geodetic networks.
outlier, outlier analysis, geodetic observations, geodetic network, conventional tests, robust methods
DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2018.02.293-305
Mehmed Batilović, Zoran Sušić, Marko Z. Marković, Marijana Vujinović, Gojko Nikolić, Toša Ninkov (2018). Učinkovitost različnih načinov odkrivanja grobih pogreškov v geodetskih mrežah: primer spomenika Pobednik. | The efficiency of different outlier detection approaches in geodetic networks: case study for Pobednik statue. Geodetski vestnik, 62 (2), 293-305. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2018.02.293-305

Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si