IF JCR (2023): 0.4
IF SNIP (2023): 0.487

Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si

Back to issue 61/3
Vrednotenje postopkov za ocenjevanje točnosti georeferenciranja geodetskih načrtov
Validation of georeferencing accuracy estimation techniques for geodetic plans
Nedim Tuno, Admir Mulahusić, Jusuf Topoljak, Dušan Kogoj
Three validation techniques for performing positional accuracy assessments in georeferencing were critically reviewed in this study, with an aim of estimating the possibilities of identifying and removing the geometric deformations of raster images. A validation technique based on the residuals of tie points, Hold-Out and the Cross-Validation technique was implemented within PlanTra software. Accuracy indicators, obtained through these techniques, using different functional transformation models, were thoroughly tested on a typical area. It has been proven that the Cross-Validation technique produces a much more reliable estimation of accuracy in comparison to the standard approach based on the residuals of tie points.
positional accuracy assessment, georeferencing, Cross-Validation, RMSE
DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2017.03.373-386
Nedim Tuno, Admir Mulahusić, Jusuf Topoljak, Dušan Kogoj (2017). Vrednotenje postopkov za ocenjevanje točnosti georeferenciranja geodetskih načrtov. | Validation of georeferencing accuracy estimation techniques for geodetic plans. Geodetski vestnik, 61 (3), 373-386. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2017.03.373-386

Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
E-mail: info@geodetski-vestnik.si