naslovnica aktualnega Geodetskega vestnika

IF JCR (2020): 0.551
IF SNIP (2020): 0.417
ISSN: 0351-0271
e-ISSN: 1581-1328
COBISS.SI ID: 5091842
UDK: 528=863
Zveza geodetov Slovenije
Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Vodna infrastruktura in zemljiški kataster

Water infrastructure and land cadastre


Joc Triglav


In the paper we present some illustrative examples from the Prekmurje region that are related to the issue of registration of water infrastructure in the land cadastre. The Prekmurje region is known among surveyors for the fact that it has a much higher geolocation quality of land cadastre in comparison with the rest of Slovenia. Surveyors are usually able to take this fact into account correctly in their work, but unfortunately this does not apply to other public services, which are responsible for specific areas of environmental management, such as water management and transport infrastructure management, records of agricultural actual use, etc. With the presented examples, we first show the damaging consequences of breaching the rules and facts of land cadastre in the management of water infrastructure facilities. Next, we present the beneficial consequences of compliance with land cadastre rules and facts in the case of extensive flow reconstruction of Kučnica stream on the state border with Austria and its recording in land cadastre. The main purpose of the presented cases is to help the competent managers of water infrastructure in Slovenia to understand better and adhere strictly to the fundamental role of land cadastre in the spatial management.


water infrastructure, land cadastre, Prekmurje, land use, spatial management

DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2012.04.674-690


Joc Triglav (2012). Vodna infrastruktura in zemljiški kataster. | Water infrastructure and land cadastre. Geodetski vestnik, 56 (4), 674-690. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2012.04.674-690

ISSN: 0352-3551
EISSN: 1581-0267
COBISS: 3664386
UDK: (05) 532;556;626/628.6
Zveza geodetov Slovenije
Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
Zemljemerska ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana